Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Fabulous Red Hat!

Red Hats abound, but I like hats with a little elegance and history behind them. Although straw hats are fine and plain wool is good, too, I personally love the Victorian Hats seen below.
Gorgeous hats with style!! Another example:

Shop for that something special!
Ladies are wearing Red Hats that have a lot of purple in them, so have fun. It would seem that the RULE does apply; there are no rules.


How to join the RED HAT SOCIETY

I receive many e-mails and posts on this blog about finding a chapter OR starting a chapter.

Simply go to and click on "How to start a chapter" or "Find a Chapter".

The Red Hat Society website is the official website and the "Girls of the Hattitude" will be glad to help you out by phone if you can't navigate the website.

Good luck. If you need any help, just let me know.

Drama Queen of Fabulousness