As the first black man to become President it is quite inspiring. He faces quite a load of troubles and truly prompts me to pray for him as his youth and inexperience come into play. I believe he has a good heart and will do right by America. I pray so, anyway.
I have always admired the public figure of Martin Luther King and it is appropriate that the inauguration comes a day after his birthday. What a peaceful and resounding message MLK brought in his time in the spotlight for the rights of all people.
You may not know that I am a card carrying, conservative Republican, and no, I did not vote for Obama, I voted for McCain. But, I pray for our new president to lead us with humility, with the wisdom of Solomon and the love of God as David and Abraham and so many others in the Bible.
"I have a dream" will be fulfilled tomorrow.
Will you join me in prayer? I hope so whether you are Republican or Democrat or Libertarian or independent.
It is, after all, America!
God Bless,