Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Fabulous Red Hat!

Red Hats abound, but I like hats with a little elegance and history behind them. Although straw hats are fine and plain wool is good, too, I personally love the Victorian Hats seen below.
Gorgeous hats with style!! Another example:

Shop for that something special!
Ladies are wearing Red Hats that have a lot of purple in them, so have fun. It would seem that the RULE does apply; there are no rules.


How to join the RED HAT SOCIETY

I receive many e-mails and posts on this blog about finding a chapter OR starting a chapter.

Simply go to and click on "How to start a chapter" or "Find a Chapter".

The Red Hat Society website is the official website and the "Girls of the Hattitude" will be glad to help you out by phone if you can't navigate the website.

Good luck. If you need any help, just let me know.

Drama Queen of Fabulousness

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Red Hat Society "I LOVE A PARADE" Photo Contest announced!

Here is the scoop! From July 6, 2006 through December 31, 2006 Red Hat Society Chapters in good standing may submit one picture per chapter of any event in which the chapter was entered in a PARADE. This includes the entire year of 2006. So if your chapter has Great Easter parade pictures, send them on in. Remember, ANY PARADE in the year 2006!

Contest Number 2 will award three prizes. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place

First Place - $200.00 of merchandise
Second Place - $125.00 of merchandise
Third Place - $75.00 of merchandise
Just click here to go directly to the page!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Red Hat Society - The Beauty Shop Revisited!

I have decided after seeing "Monster in Law" that Jane Fonda was sporting the most wonderful hairstyle I have ever seen!

Now, if I can find a hairdresser that can do that "do", I'm going for it!

Red Hat Society - Winner of the PHOTO CONTEST

I forgot to post the winner of the Photo Contest, so here she is: What a beauty. The winner chose a Red Victorian Hat, Red Hat Toe Rings, and one other item.

The Photo was such fun and I enjoyed every one of the pictures!

Red Hat Society - Ladies Gone Wild with COLOR!

When I first became a Red Hatter and then a Queen (Drama Queen), we were mainly wearing the Purple outfit with a red hat.

Well.........have things ever "kicked up a notch"

Now we are wearing Purple and Red Hats. My shop carries mainly Victorian Hats and our clothing is purple, but we have took it a step further and are really accenting with the RED!!

Who knew Purple and Red could be so much fun!

We ladies are taking our purple outfits and adding a Red Victorian Shawl as is on my website and lots of red jewelry, pins, you name it!

More power to the Purple and Red!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Red Hat Society Photo Contest Announced

When Queen Mom Rose sent in the pictures above of her and Vice Queen Matilda, it really put a smile on my face and made me realize what a unique group of ladies we are!

Ladies like this need to be rewarded for the bodacious, outrageous behavior! Soooo, I decided on a contest!

Here is the scoop! For one month beginning January 25, 2006 and ending February 25, 2006 whatever chapter or Red Hat Society Lady sends in the most unique pictures of what she OR her chapter is doing OR can come up with, she or her Chapter wins $100.00 of in-stock merchandise from Romance Remembered!!!! This excludes shipping which means you get $100.00 of merchandise and I pay the shipping!

So, get to snapping those pictures!! Be creative!! The pictures must be suitable for our grandkids to see! If you can't show it to your grandkids, don't send them!

At this time, Queen Mom Rose and Vice Queen Matilda are definitely winning!

No purchase necessary! Totally impartial judging of pictures! You don't even have to have bought from me before!

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Why do people think that Red Hat Society Ladies are snooty rich people?

Now that is a unbelievably wrong perception of the Red Hat Society Ladies. We are a diverse group of ladies from all walks of life. We are active in our community and are the first around when help is needed. We welcome all sisters, certainly not looking at their income or how they dress,

I know lots of my fellow chapter members that donate or secretly buy for the less fortunate ladies in each chapter.

My website donates things to chapter members if we hear of someone who can't afford what my website offers.

It is a sisterhood of the most giving, involved, and precious ladies I have ever met.

The Red Hat Society venue just allows all this kindness and gentleness to come together in one place......

So don't let them just the book by it's cover! We all have a story to tell of hardship or sadness, but our message is that we came through it, we are 50 years of age or older AND proud of it!

God Bless the sisterhood!

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Red Hat Society - Why am I dressing like this?

Because I can! I can wear Purple Dresses and Red Hats and get away with it, because I have earned the right and I love it!

Why not? I'm from the generation of the "Bubble", "Pageboy", and finally, my favorite (really), the "Gypsy". I loved my bell bottoms (which are back again, just lower around the hips) halter tops, and floppy hats. Flower power, you know.

I would not be caught dead in a halter top now, I would scare too many people and my kids would never speak to me again.

I love my age and I ESPECIALLY love my granddaughter! She is a hoot and a continual joy to me.

So, dressing in Red and Purple is really not a far cry from my late teens when everyone thought we were dressing crazy back then.

Where are my Glasses?

I remember the day I discovered my eyes weren't what they used to be! My son, who is 20 now, was around 9 years old and I was trying to read the bottom of children's Tylenol to see the dosage.

It was a blur and even as I held the bottle further and further away, for the life of me, I couldn't read it? Did this happen overnight? Did some jokester start printing the instructions smaller as a cruel joke?

I have no idea! It just seem to happen without any warning. That was 11 years ago and I guess I am blessed to need only reading glasses (I tried the $300 prescription glasses and found I could misplace them just as easily as I could a $10 pair from Wal-Mart) and not such a bad strength.

But how does that happen? One day I'm reading the fine print and the next day I am holding the large print as far as the length of my arm to read.